samedi 25 juin 2016

Java with ajax - ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE - Ajax response throws error while server is processing the request

I am getting below error in the console of browsers. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE My ajax call works for all the button clicks, but this error is coming only for one button (lets say testExt button).On clicking on these buttons, a background script runs and execute some tests. The only difference is that this testExt takes more time to complete its execution (nearly 4 min 27 secs) but the response comes to client at 4 min 16 secs in the error block of ajax even when the script is successfully executed at server's end. console shows below error: Object {readyState: 0, responseText: "", status: 0, statusText: "error"} The Ajax code: $.ajax({ type : "Get", url : "resultValue.htm", cache: false, data : "testName=" + name, success : function(response) { // success logic here }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus){ console.log(jqXHR); alert('There has been server side error. Please contact TechEng team to get this fixed.') } }); The response which is returned from such request is just one line string: /xxxx/reports/2016-06-15/07-03-53-237-r1Qn/xxx-smoketest-report.html I googled some questions on SO but I am not sure if its a java memory issue on server side as I tried to increase memory size as well. Please help me to understand what's going wrong. Am I missing certain scenario to handle this ajax request When I directly hit the server API, i get following response on browser: FireFox: Chrome

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