mercredi 29 juin 2016

How can I stop a video when it is replaced (Jquery)?


$(function () {

$(".bat").click(function () {
$('.hit').click(function () {
$('.metro').click(function () {

HTML: ` Watch and listen our reviews

        <iframe width="900" height="400" src=";showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen class="videos morcego img-responsive"></iframe>

        <iframe width="900" height="400" src=";showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen class="videos careca img-responsive"></iframe>

        <iframe width="900" height="400" src=";showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen class="videos metro-last img-responsive">></iframe>


    <div class="videos-list-video">
        <h3 class="align-center">Popular Videos</h3>
        <div class=img-list>

            <img src="img/batman_videos.jpg" class="img-responsive bat">
        <div class=img-list>

            <img src="img/hitman_videos.jpg" class="img-responsive hit">
        <div class=img-list>

            <img src="img/metro_videos.png" class="img-responsive metro">



The program works fine but when the video is replaced, the other one won't stop playing and you hear it. I guess i can't use the replaceWith() method...any suggestions? Thanks

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