jeudi 30 juin 2016

In angular2 does enter key trigger any click event on the page?

In the code below removeSelectedCountry() should be called when the span element is clicked and handleKeyDown($event) should be called when there is a keydown event on the div.

    selector: "wng-country-picker",
    template: `
    <ul class="CountryPicker-selected" *ngIf="selectedCountries.length > 0">
    <li *ngFor="let country of selectedCountries">
        <span class="Pill Pill--primary" (click)="removeSelectedCountry(country)">
        {{ }}
    <div (keydown)="handleKeyDown($event)" class="CountryPicker-input"></div>

But removeSelectedCountry() is called every time enter key is pressed.

To make the code work I had to change the click event to mousedown event. It works fine now.

Can anyone explain why enter key would trigger click event?

    selector: "wng-country-picker",
    template: `
    <ul class="CountryPicker-selected" *ngIf="selectedCountries.length > 0">
    <li *ngFor="let country of selectedCountries">
        <span class="Pill Pill--primary" (mousedown)="removeSelectedCountry(country)">
        {{ }}
    <div (keydown)="handleKeyDown($event)" class="CountryPicker-input"></div>

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