jeudi 23 juin 2016

How can i make the code for this lottery game more efficient?

I have just started getting into Python and am wondering what I could do to make this code more efficient and maybe better to build upon possibly at a later time, and any other tips for writing something like this or best practices. Thank you! import random menu_check = True # 'checker', compares userNums and winningNums to see if they have won or lost def checker(userNums, winningNums): if userNums == winningNums: print ("nCongratulations! You Win $100!n") print ("Your numbers: ", userNums) print ("The winning lottery numbers are: ", winningNums, "n") else: print ("nSorry, you lose...n") print ("Your numbers: ", userNums) print ("The winning lottery numbers are: ", winningNums, "n") # 'getUserNums', gets user numbers and puts into a sorted list def getUserNums(): userNums = [] for x in range(3): nums = int(input("Pick a number 0 through 9: ")) if 0 <= nums <= 9: userNums.append(nums) else: input("Error! Invalid input. Press any key to continue...") nums = int(input("Pick a number 0 through 9: ")) userNums.append(nums) return sorted(userNums) # 'getWinningNums', creates a sorted list with random nums ranging from 0-9 with a range of 3 values def getWinningNums(): return sorted(random.sample(range(0,10), 3)) # 'menu', creates the main menu to choose game or exit program def menu(): print (30 * "-", "LOTTERY MENU", 30 * "-") print ("1. [Play Pick-3]") print ("2. Exit") print (75 * "-") # 'main', calls the other functions def main(): userNums = getUserNums() winningNums = getWinningNums() checker(userNums, winningNums) # while menu_check: menu() choice = input("nEnter your choice[1-2]: ") if choice == '1': print (23 * "-") print ("[Play Pick-3] selected!") print (23 * "-") menu_check = False main() elif choice == '2': print ("nThanks for playing!n") menu_check = False else: input("Error! Invalid input. Press any key to continue...n")

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