mardi 14 juin 2016

What happens when we edit(append, remove...) a list and can we execute actions each time a list is edited

I would like to know if there is a way to create a list that will execute some actions each time I use the method append(or an other similar method). I know that I could create a class that inherits from list and overwrite append, remove and all other methods that change content of list but I would like to know if there is an other way. By comparison, if I want to print 'edited' each time I edit an attribute of an object I will not execute print("edited") in all methods of the class of that object. Instead, I will only overwrite __setattribute__. I tried to create my own type which inherits of list and overwrite __setattribute__ but that doesn't work. When I use myList.append __setattribute__ isn't called. I would like to know what's realy occured when I use myList.append ? Is there some magic methods called that I could overwrite ?

I know that the question have already been asked there : What happens when you call `append` on a list?. The answer given is just, there is no answer... I hope it's a mistake.

I don't know if there is an answer to my request so I will also explain you why I'm confronted to that problem. Maybe I can search in an other direction to do what I want. I have got a class with several attributes. When an attribute is edited, I want to execute some actions. Like I explain before, to do this I am use to overwrite __setattribute__. That works fine for most of attributes. The problem is lists. If the attribute is used like this : myClass.myListAttr.append(something), __setattribute__ isn't called while the value of the attribute have changed.

The problem would be the same with dictionaries. Methods like pop doesn't call __setattribute__.

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