I'm new to using Google's APIs and have been trying to figure out how to implement the Places Autocomplete API with Angular. I've never really worked with autocomplete in general. I do not have the jQuery library pulled into my project at the moment, but I believe I've seen some developers utilizing that inside the directive with element.autocomplete
I did look for any existing directives that might help with this, and I've found: https://github.com/kuhnza/angular-google-places-autocomplete
After setting that up according to the documentation, I haven't been able to get it to work, and I also didn't see where I would set up the API key for it to function in the first place. I think the main error has to do with the API key, but I'm not positive.
From what I understood, Google's Docs mention to include the API key as a key
parameter when pulling the places library. If I omit the key like in the directive's documentation, I get MissingKeyMapError
. If I add the key like Google says, I get ApiNotActivatedMapError
. At the same time, Google also says my API key is a server API key, and "This key should be kept secret on your server".
The line for pulling in the library that I'm referencing is: <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=places"></script>
Doing a cURL request with my PHP backend or just in the browser provides me with the results. So now I'm just trying to understand how Autocomplete works and how I could get it work with AngularJS.
So yeah, I'm a bit confused on this whole topic. If anyone could point me in the right direction or point out what I may be misunderstanding, it'd be a great help!
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