SHA256 hashing output is different in two codes, input is same so outputs should be identical, the code seems to be fine, I can't understand why it produces different results. What is wrong with it?
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim temphashstring As String = "1a"
temphashstring = hashed(temphashstring)
T7.Text = StringToAsciiBits(temphashstring)
End Sub
Public Function StringToAsciiBits(ByVal inputstring As String) 'Convert string text to binary text
Dim bitsAsString As String
Dim Re As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each Character As Byte In System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(inputstring)
Re.Append(Convert.ToString(Character, 2).PadLeft(8, "0"))
'Re.Append(" ") 'put one space (" ") after every 8 bits to view easily by human eye
bitsAsString = Re.ToString.Substring(0, Re.ToString.Length - 0)
Return bitsAsString
End Function
Public Function hashed(ByVal inputstring As String) As String
'Encode by UTF8
Dim pt As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding
Dim ptBytes() As Byte = pt.GetBytes(inputstring)
Dim ptSBytes() As Byte = New Byte(ptBytes.Length - 1) {}
'Copy plaintext bytes to array.
Dim num As Integer
Dim hash As HashAlgorithm
'hashing algorithm class.
hash = New SHA256Managed()
' Compute hash
For num = 0 To ptBytes.Length - 1
ptSBytes(num) = ptBytes(num)
Next num
Dim hashBytes As Byte()
hashBytes = hash.ComputeHash(ptSBytes)
' Convert into a base64-encoded string.
Dim hashValue As String
hashValue = Convert.ToBase64String(hashBytes)
hashed = hashValue 'return hashvalue
End Function
Input: 1a
Output in binary: 0111000001111010001011110101000001001101001101010101101001000001011010110111000001001001010010000100101101000010001010110011010000110100010001000110100101001001010100110100000101100010011010010011011001110111011010000100000100111000011010010101001001010111011011000100111001110101001101100100100001010110011110100100100101101110011011010101010100111101
import hashlib, struct
tempheader = "1a"
print map(bin, map(ord,hashlib.sha256(tempheader).digest()))
Input: 1a
Output in binary: '0b10100111', '0b111111', '0b11001111', '0b110011', '0b10010110', '0b1000000', '0b10010010', '0b10010010', '0b111', '0b101000', '0b11111', '0b10111000', '0b11100000', '0b111000', '0b10001000', '0b1001000', '0b110', '0b11100010', '0b11101011', '0b1000', '0b1000000', '0b11110010', '0b100100', '0b1010110', '0b10010100', '0b11011011', '0b10111010', '0b11101', '0b1011100', '0b11001000', '0b10011110', '0b1100101'
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