In my application, I have a pie chart using the nvd3 library. In the js code below, I need to reference a property called ccirCategoryIncidentI in an object called 'vm'. ccirCategoryIncidentI value is an integer that will represent the size of a wedge in the pie Chart.
What I've done is wrapped the function in a $timeout. And for now, all I did was console.log the object which returns the object as expected (with the ccirCategoryIncidentI property listed when I open the log)
HOWEVER, what puzzles me is when I do a console.log of the targeted property, it returns undefined?
When this is clearly shown in the vm object, i don't know why the property is coming back undefined?
Here is the full js code:
(function() {
'use strict';
/* jshint quotmark: false */
.directive('ccirSummary', ccirSummary);
ccirSummary.$inject = ['$window', 'Accessibility', 'Tools', 'ccirSummaryChartConfig', '$timeout'];
function ccirSummary($window, Accessibility, Tools, ccirSummaryChartConfig, $timeout)
var directive = {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
vm: '='
link: ccirSummaryLink,
templateUrl: 'scripts/tiles/ccirSummary/views/ccirSummary.html'
return directive;
function ccirSummaryLink(scope, element /*, attrs*/)
$timeout(function() {
scope.options = ccirSummaryChartConfig.getChartConfig();
//console.log(ccirCategoryIncidentI); = [
key: 'CAT I',
y: 2,
MyAttribute1:'DLA Avn ... CAT I',
MyAttribute2:'DLA Energy ... CAT I'
key: 'CAT II',
y: 1,
MyAttribute1:'DLA Avn ... CAT II',
MyAttribute2:'DLA Energy ... CAT II'
key: 'CAT III',
y: 3,
MyAttribute1:'DLA Avn ... CAT III',
MyAttribute2:'DLA Energy ... CAT III'
var lastUpdatedDateTime;
var forceUpdate = false;
scope.$watch('vm.ccirdata' , function (newValue)
// We need to have some logic in here to determine if the inbound data is different from the already displayed data
if (newValue && (newValue.lastUpdatedDateTime !== lastUpdatedDateTime || forceUpdate))
updateChart ();
var tooltip = Tools.buildTooltip ({
base: element,
tipText: getccirHintText
// Controls
var openControls, resolvedControls;
var newOpenLabelId = 'iss-open-total';
var resolvedLabelId = 'iss-resolved-total';
var openPrefix = 'iss-con-open-';
var visOpenPrefix = 'iss-vis-open-';
var resolvedPrefix = 'iss-con-resolved-';
var visResolvedPrefix = 'iss-vis-resolved-';
var openNavId, resolvedNavId, activeFocusId, lastBlurId;
// Set up entry point into navigation content ('#' + newOpenLabelId)
.on ('keydown', function ()
tileKeyAction ('open');
}); ('#' + resolvedLabelId)
.on ('keydown', function ()
tileKeyAction ('resolved');
function updateChart()
// Build Visual Elements
var data = scope.vm.ccirdata;
// Build Focus Controls and Navigation
createFocusControls (data);
assignNavigationIds ();
if (activeFocusId)
{ ('#' + activeFocusId) [0][0].focus ();
function getccirHintText (data)
var ccirEventHint = getccirDataForEvent (data.ccirData, data.side);
return [
'<div class="ccir-legend">',
'<div class="cooltip-label"><div class="cooltip-label is-',
'"></div> ',
(data.side==='left'?'OPEN ':'RESOLVED '),
' ccirs:<hr class="hr-' + data.ccirData.impact.toLowerCase() + '"></div>',
'<div class="cooltip-text"></div>',
'<div class="cooltip-text"></div>',
function getccirDataForEvent(selectedBar, side)
var ccirs = [];
var selectedImpact = selectedBar.impact.toLowerCase();
var detailData = scope.vm.ccirdata.detail;
var is_string;
for(var i=0; i<detailData.length;i++)
var d = detailData[i];
if (( isLeftOrRight(d) === side ) && (d.impact.toLowerCase() === selectedImpact) )
is_string = '<div class="cooltip-text"><div class="is-tt-new is-tt-'+d.impact.toLowerCase()+'">'+(d.isNew?'NEW':'')+
'</div><div class="is-tt-text"><span class="is-tt-number">'+ d.number + ':</span> '+d.title +'</div></div>';
var ccirEventHint =
'ccirs' : ccirs
return ccirEventHint;
function isLeftOrRight( ccir )
if ( (ccir.status.toLowerCase() === 'final') || (ccir.status.toLowerCase() === 'initial/final') || (ccir.status.toLowerCase() === 'updated/final') )
return 'right';
return 'left';
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