lundi 11 juillet 2016

Static S3 site using AngularJS and database (simple online store)

This is more a question of possibility, more than the nitty-gritty of how.

I'd like to build a pseudo dynamic website that I can host entirely on a static server (assume AWS S3), is it possible to achieve the below on a static machine? The cost associated to a full Nginx/Apache server is too much for these small apps, hence looking for another option.

  • Simple database of items, cost (can be updatable JSON/third-party DB)
  • List above items on a simgle page
  • Add items to cart
  • Push items to payment system (PayPal/Stripe would work)
  • Callback from payment system to mark item as sold

Basically a singe-layer online store, no storage of user details. Simply, see something, buy it, mark it as sold.

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