samedi 9 juillet 2016

passing a date to a function in python that is calling sql server

I am trying to pass date1 and date 2 to a function in python that creates a dataframe from a sql server

  import datetime as dt
  import pandas as pd
  import pyodbc
  import sqlalchemy
  from pandas import Series,DataFrame

def func1(date1,date2):
sqlquery = "select top 10000 * from Pretty_Txns where Pay_Date between '"+date1+"' and '"+date2+"'"

When I try and call this function from ipython


  ----> 8     sqlquery = "select top 10000 * from Pretty_Txns where Pay_Date between  '"+date1+"' and '"+date2+"'"

 TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and '' objects

How should I call the function so that I dont get the type error.

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