lundi 11 juillet 2016

Pandas, mulitindexing

I have data that I need to aggregate for per column and then per column again. What I need is total spend per product category for each unique customer. Multiindex should do this. Problem is that I am new to Pandas, and I don't understand multiindexing.

I have data structured like this:

 Customer  Products  Amount
1  001       Toys      5
2  002       Toys      6
3  002       Cars      7
4  001       Toys      2
5  001       Cars      9

I need it like this:

Customers Products      Sum of ammount
001       Toys          7
          Cars          9
002       Toys          6
          Cars          7

Later I need to transform it so that I can get total spend per product category, per customer.

Customer Toys Cars
001      7    9
002      6    7

I have been playing around with the code, but I am stuck. Have been reading up, but not finding exactly what I am looking for.

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