vendredi 22 juillet 2016

Datatables disable individual column search for hidden column

i have hidden a column in my datatable. But i get problem when using individual column searching (text). i want to disable the hidden column searching, but it seems not working. The search textbox still appear. oTable = $("#tracedata1").dataTable({ "bAutoWidth" : false, "bRetrieve" : true, "scrollY": 200, "scrollX": true, "deferRender": true, "scroller": { loadingIndicator: true }, "serverSide" : true, "processing" : true, "sAjaxSource": 'show2ndsampl.php', "fnServerData": function (sSource,aoData,fnCallback){ $.ajax({ "dataType":'json', "type":'POST', "url":sSource, "data":aoData, "success":function(json){ fnCallback(json); } }); }, "order" : [[1,"desc"]], "aoColumns" : [ /*ID*/{"visible":false, "searchable":false}, /*date*/ null Show error : stopPropagation is not defined

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