jeudi 4 août 2016

Urgent: ParseError: bad input [on hold]

Help:( whats wrong with this bit

remainder = sum1 % 10

if remainder == 0 :

PyQt - QScrollBar

Dear Stacktoverflow, can you show me an example of how to use a QScrollBar? Thanks.

window.location.reload() used in my js page I am getting logout I am using spring security

I need to reload my page using window.location.reload() but I am facing logout. I am using spring security jquery

How to parse parse large .csv file in java? [on hold]

I want to parse different format large csv file and generate pdf based upon the csv file values. how to do this?

How to set the build description via Jenkins REST API or Python?

Is there any way (like Jenkins REST API or Python module) to set the existing jenkins build's build description ?

Many thanks :)

How to interface Python with Qlikview for data visualization?

I am using Scikit-Learn and Pandas libraries of Python for Data Analysis. How to interface Python with data visualization tools such as Qlikview?

Python 2 change the way to start a new process

Can I change the way Python 2 creates a new process, like what set_start_method does in Python 3 on UNIX based OSes?